读书《Stage3D Game Programming Beginner》
这篇笔记一年半前读书时发到豆瓣上了,去豆瓣搜过书的应该都看见过,这是我入门 3d 看的第一本书,现在把原文复制过来简单排版和整理了一下。
第一章,Let's Make a Game Using Molehill
介绍什么是 molehil。。略 。此书面针对了解 AS3,但不太了解 3d 的读者。
3d 术语:
Mesh:3d 游戏中的模型就叫一个 mesh。模型一般用 3d studiomax 等软件做的,一个场景可以有几百个 mesh 组成。
Polygon:mesh 可以由成百上千的多边形组成,多边形可以是三角形,也可以是四边形,一个 3d 立方体由 6 个面片组成,每个面片叫做一个 poly。
Vertex:每个 poly 有 3 个或以上角,每个角的顶点就是一个 vertex。
Texture:想象成墙纸,可以是一个 jpg 或 png 的图片。
Shaders:shader 是视觉风格的定义,它定义怎样渲染某物,在 stage3d 中,shaders 存在 Program3D 类中。创建一个 shader,需要创建一个 vertex program,和一个 fragment program 。
Fragment program:在 molehill 中是处理 mesh 视觉渲染的一系列命令。也叫像素着色器。fragment programs 描述一个给定的表面材质和对光照的反应,不同的材质对光照有不同的反应方式取决于反射和透明度等,需要不同的代码来模拟。每个模型都需要一个 fragment program,否则就不会渲染出来,它可以是一个简单的 texture,也可以是复杂的 2 个 texture 混合外加灯光反射。
Vertex program:molehill 常用 vertex program 计算 mesh 的形状,影响每个 vertex 在 3d 世界中的位置。这样可以把 mesh 缩放,扭曲,做变形动画。也可以分配任意数量的数据到 mesh 中的每个 vertex,不只是 xyz 坐标,可以是 rgb 颜色 uv 等。每个模型的渲染都需要个 vertex program,可以是简单的在原始位置渲染或复杂到让 mesh 做变形动画。
Vectors:Vector3D 描述空间中的位置,在 geom 包里
import flash.geom.Vector3D;
var putTheTreeHere:Vector3D = new Vector3D(0,0,0);
var locationOfTreasure:Vector3D = new Vector3D(1000,0,-15000);
Normals:仅用来指明方向,length 等于 1 的单位向量,可以简单的用 Vector3D 类的 normalize()方法获得。
var aNormalPointingUp:Vector3D = new Vector3D(0,1,0);
Matrices:是向量的集合,Matrix3D 是 4×4 的矩阵,用来方便的移动,旋转,缩放对象。
- Vector3D: containing an x, y, and z component
- Normal: a Vector3D that has a length of one
- Matrix: a 4x4 group of vectors with position, rotation,and scale
- Vertex: a point in space that is the corner of a polygon
- Polygon: a shape defined by multiple vertex coordinates
- Mesh: a group of polygons (polies) that make up a model
- Texture: a bitmap image that is like a wallpaper for a mesh
- Vertex program: commands affecting the shape of a mesh
- Fragment program: commands affecting the look of a mesh
第 2 章,Blueprint of a Molehill
原来为什么慢,因为之前 DisplayList 全部 CPU,molehill 为什么快,因为 molehill 是完全 GPU 加速的。
Molehill will rely on DirectX 9 on Windows machines and OpenGL 1.3 on both Mac OS-X and Linux. On mobile devices such as tablets, televisions, and phones, Molehill will rely upon OpenGL ES2.
DisplayList 在 stage3d 之上,可以组合 stage3d 和原始的 flash 显示列表一起做东东.
Molehill 程序结构
stage3d 已不在显示列表里,不能 addchild 了.
- Context3D:可以想象成"引擎",所有 3d 数据都要传给他。
This Context3D is the object that you send all your textures, vertex buffers, and vertex/fragment programs to. The Context3D is the base class that holds all of your game data and does all the work.
VertexBuffer3D:VertexBuffer3D 是一个 numbers 的数组,用来保存第一章提到的 vertex 坐标,但不限于顶点坐标,还可以保存 rgb,uv 等值。初始化游戏的时候要把这个 vertexBuffer3D 传给 Contex3D,之后 Contex3D 会把这些数据直接传给显卡的 RAM 或 VRAM,渲染时会用。
IndexBuffer3D:由于顶点数据是一大坨 VertexBuffer3D,Molehill 需要知道每组数据的起始和结束,所以有了 index buffer 做索引,如下图,表示 3 个顶点,每个有 6 个元素 。
- Program3D:Vertex programs 和 fragment programs 也叫 shaders 与前边的 buffer 同样传给 contex3d,他是从一种类似汇编语言编译成的,他们告诉 gpu 怎样根据上边提供的 buffer 画 mesh。
一个 stage3d 程序的流程图
分 2 部分,setup 和 render loop
setup: 所有 buffers 和 programs 被编译并发送到显卡。这只做 1 次。一旦 setup,molehill 可以在不同位置重复画 meshes 而不需要其他初始化。
setup 详细过程:
- Request a Context3D instance from Stage3D
- Set up the Context3D (telling it how big it is, and so on)
- Create a VertexBuffer (one for each mesh you intend to use)
- Create an IndexBuffer (each will correspond to a VertexBuffer)
- Upload this data to the Context3D (send it to your GPU)
- "Compile" a VertexProgram (turn your shader source code into bytes)
- "Compile" a FragmentProgram (turn your shader source code into bytes)
- Create a Program3D which will use the preceding shaders (can be used by more than one mesh)
这 8 步一般只需要一次,偶尔由于 3d 环境丢失的关系需要重新来一次,例如因为计算机睡眠等原因。
render loop:一般是监听 ENTER_FRAME 事件重复执行的
- Clear the Context3D (erase the old view)
- Tell the Context3D which Program3D to use (for example, a shader that looks like steel)
- Tell the Context3D which VertexBuffer to use (for example, a spaceship)
- Setup data for you your shaders (variables, such as the new location of a spaceship)
- Draw some triangles (tell the Context3D to do some drawing)
- Update the screen with your drawn triangles (show the user the new scene)
- The old fashioned way: 2D Flash using DisplayObjects
- The Molehill way: Stage3Ds containing Context3Ds
- Why Molehill is so fast: Hardware 3D, baby
- Combining 2D and 3D: You can use old and new Flash objects together
- Flowchart of a Molehill game: Setup first, then a render loop
第 3 章,Fire up the Engines
这章是前边两章内容的一个实例,直接看代码就行了,书里好像也么讲什么新内容,代码倒是注释的很详细 除了 shader 代码要后边章节详细讲,其他的配合帮助文档应该都看懂了。
详见 Stage3dGame.as类
we learned how to obtain Flash 11 for our browser, we got all the tools ready to compile Stage3D games, we learned how to initialize the Stage3D API, how to upload mesh and texture data to the video card, and how to animate a simple 3D scene
第 4 章,Basic Shaders
AGAL: Adobe Graphics Assembly Language
前边讲过 shaders 就是 vertex program (vertex shaders)和 fragment program(pixel shaders)。 由于他们在 gpu 中执行,所以很快,每帧可以数百万次,flash 的一帧中,mesh 中每个顶点都要执行一次 vertex program! fragment shade 更厉害,每个像素都执行一次!。
agal 语句是什么样的
<opcode> <destination> <source 1> <source 2>
agal 只有 30 个 opcodes,完整列表在 Stage3D 的文档里找. 例如 mov v0, va1 把 va1 的值 copy 到 v0.
常见 agal opcode:
mov (copies data from source1 to destination)
add (destination = source1 plus source2)
sub (destination = source1 minus source2)
mul (destination = source1 multiplied by source2)
div (destination = source1 divided by source2)
什么是寄存器 (register)
上边提到的"source" 和 "destinations"叫寄存器,你可以把它们当成变量,存储数据的地方。他们代表显存中的一小块,为速度而优化过的。寄存器都是包含 4 个 128 位的浮点数 ,用 as3 的话说就是 4 个 Number。
4 个值中的每一个都是一个组成部分,可以通过 xyzw 或者 rgba 访问 va1.x 和 va1.r 一样都是寄存器的第一个组成部分。 一般在 vertex 里用 xyzw,fragment 里用 rgba。 opcode 一般四个组件同时运算,例如以 add opcode 为例 source1 是一个 Vector3D (10,100,50,0) 然后 source2 是 (5,1,3,0),结果会是(15,101,53,0).
顶点属性寄存器 Vertex Attribute Registers:va0...va7.
有 8 个 va 寄存器,分别是 va0, va1, va2, va3, va4, va5, va6,va7 只在 vertex shader 里可用,用来指定 VertexBuffer 中的位置。可以包含 x,y,z,或 uv 坐标,rgb 值等。
用 Context3D:setVertexBufferAt()
来把 VertexBuffer 分段分配给属性寄存器。
在 shader 里用语法 va<n>
访问,n 就是属性索引。记住一共有 8 个寄存器,每个保存 4 个浮点数,所以每个顶点可以保存 32 个数字。
常量寄存器 Constant registers: vc0..vc127 and fc0..fc27。
as中通过 Context3D::setProgramConstants()系列函数来设置。在 vertex shader 中用 vc<n>
访问,pixel shader 中 fc<n>
vertex shaders 里一共有 128 个常量寄存器,pixel shaders 里有 28 个常量寄存器。
临时寄存器 Temporary registers: vt0..vt7 and ft0..ft7
这些寄存器是用来在 shader 里临时计算用的,可以当成临时变量。 这样访问:
vt<n> (vertex programs) , ft<n> (fragment programs)
vertex 和 pixel shaders 各 8 个临时寄存器。
输出寄存器 Output registers: op 在 vertex shader 里用来输出位置,oc 在 pixel shader 里用来输出颜色。 vertex shader 的输出就是顶点的 clip space 位置,pixel shader 输出的就是就是像素颜色。
Varying registers: v0..v7 呃这个不知道中文名了
这些寄存器是用来从 vertex shaders 向 pixel shaders 传递数据的。,典型应用是从 vertex shader 传递顶点颜色或纹理的 uv 坐标到 pixel shader。一共有 8 个,用v<n>
纹理采样寄存器 Texture samplers: fs0..fs7
这8个纹理采样寄存器,只可以用在 fragment program 里,是用来基于 uv 坐标从 textures 里提取颜色的。这个寄存器比较特殊,有它独有的规则 ,采样的纹理,需要提前在 as 中用 Context3D::setTextureAt()指定.
shader 里语法是这样
fs<n> <flags>
flags 是逗号分隔的字符串,类似这样
tex ft1, v0, fs0 <2d,linear,nomip>
texture dimension: 2d, 3d, or cube. A 2D texture is the most commonly used format, a rectangular bitmap. A 3D texture has length, width, and depth, and takes up a lot of texture RAM but is great for 3D materials such as wood, grain, or marble. It is rarely used. A cube texture is a specially encoded group of six rectangular bitmaps and is usually used for reflections, as each of these six images maps to a particular direction like the sides on the inside of a box.
mip mapping: nomip, mipnone, mipnearest, or miplinear. If your texture has mip maps (successively smaller versions of itself, generated to avoid jaggies during rendering), then you can instruct Stage3D to smoothly interpolate the texture using them. Mip mapped textures are very useful to increase render quality and avoid the "moiree effect" (flickering) when viewed from far away.
texture filtering: nearest or linear. If you prefer a retro, then pixilated look you can use nearest here to tell Stage3D not to interpolate the values smoothly, resulting in blocky textures when viewed up close, for example. If you use linear, when zoomed into a texture it will be blurry and will have smoother edges.
texture repeat: repeat, wrap, or clamp. If you want the texture tile properly, then you use repeathere. If you are not tiling the texture and run into problems with edge pixels being the color of the opposite edge (which often happens in transparent billboard particles and when rendering bitmap fonts in 3d), then specify clampto force Stage3D not to blur adjacent edge pixels.
// the simplest possible vertex program
m44 op, va0, vc0 // pos to clipspace
mov v0, va1 // copy uv
m44 是 4×4 矩阵相乘,顶点坐标存储在 va0 ,乘以 mesh 相对于 camera 的位置矩阵 vc0 第二行 copy va1 到 v0. 关于 vc0 后边章节会讲,现在知道他 MVP 矩阵,这个这本书里没有仔细讲,要看点其他数学书了:(
最简单的 fragment program
// a simple fragment program
tex ft1, v0, fs0 <2d,linear,nomip>
mov oc, ft1
从 fs0 取样到 ft1,v0 是来自顶点 shader 的 uv 坐标 把 ft1 输出.
编译 AGAL 代码
var vertexShaderAssembler:AGALMiniAssembler = new AGALMiniAssembler();
"m44 op, va0, vc0\n" +
"mov v0, va1"
var fragmentShaderAssembler:AGALMiniAssembler = new AGALMiniAssembler();
"tex ft1, v0, fs0 <2d,linear, nomip>;\n" +
"mov oc, ft1"
var program:Program3D = context3D.createProgram();
- Clear the Context3D, erasing the previous frame
- Select which vertex buffers to use
- Select which texture to use
- Set the current shader program
- Apply a matrix for use in your shaders to calculate the location
- Render the mesh
- Repeat steps 2 through 6 for every mesh
- Present the final image to the user
// clear your viewport to the background color:
context3D.clear ( 1, 1, 1, 1 );
// vertex position to attribute register 0 (va0)
context3D.setVertexBufferAt (0, vertexbuffer, 0,
// uv coordinates to attribute register 1 (va1)
context3D.setVertexBufferAt(1, vertexbuffer, 3,
// assign texture to texture sampler 0 (fs0)
context3D.setTextureAt( 0, texture );
// assign shader program
context3D.setProgram( program );
// Note how the two vertex buffer streams,
// vertex positions and uv coordinates,
// get assigned to two different attribute registers.
// The texture is assigned to a specific texture sampler.
// Pass on your transform matrix to the shader.
var m:Matrix3D = new Matrix3D();
m.appendRotation(getTimer()/50, Vector3D.Z_AXIS);
Context3DProgramType.VERTEX, 0, m, true);
// The matrix gets stored into constant register 0 here,
// for the Vertex Shader to use.
// To render, call drawTriangles passing in the index buffer.
// You may do additional drawTriangle calls in the frame
// one for each mesh you want rendered.
// You can use the same or different programs for each meshes.
// Once all meshes have been drawn, display them on screen:
详见 Stage3dGame.as类
第 5 章,Making Stuff Happen!
.OBJ 是模型文件,主流 3d 软件都应该可以导出这种格式。 还有贴图可以 photoshop 做,具体怎么做的看不懂,等看完了这本书小弟就准备学习学习 3d 软件了。 .obj 文件格式类似这样
v -0.257 0.191 0.423
vt 0.623 0.227
f 1/1 2/2 3/3
第一行是顶点坐标,第 2 行是 uv 坐标,第 3 行是面的定义,用来产生 index buffer,复杂的 obj 文件会有成百上千行。 理论就在这些。
下边开始主要讲解析 obj 文件Stage3dObjParser.as类
第一步 readClass 把 embed 进来的 obj 文件转成字符串
private function readClass(f:Class):String
var bytes:ByteArray = new f();
return bytes.readUTFBytes(bytes.bytesAvailable);
// Split data in to lines and parse all lines.
var lines:Array = definition.split(LINE_FEED);
var loop:uint = lines.length;
for(var i:uint = 0; i < loop; ++i)
然后根据 firstWord 分别解析不同数据
private function parseLine(line:String):void
// Split line into words.
var words:Array = line.split(SPACE);
// Prepare the data of the line.
if (words.length > 0)
var data:Array = words.slice(1);
// Check first word and delegate remainder to proper parser.
var firstWord:String = words[0];
switch (firstWord)
case VERTEX:
case NORMAL:
case UV:
难点在解析 index,这里就略了。
如果软件可以不导出 normal,则可以大大减小文件体积,可以用下边函数计算出 normal
public function restoreNormals():void
{ // utility function
_rawNormalsBuffer = _cachedRawNormalsBuffer.concat();
public function get3PointNormal(
p0:Vector3D, p1:Vector3D, p2:Vector3D):Vector3D
{ // utility function
// calculate the normal from three vectors
var p0p1:Vector3D = p1.subtract(p0);
var p0p2:Vector3D = p2.subtract(p0);
var normal:Vector3D = p0p1.crossProduct(p0p2);
return normal;
public function forceNormals():void
{ // utility function
// useful for when the OBJ file doesn't have normal data
// we can calculate it manually by calling this function
_cachedRawNormalsBuffer = _rawNormalsBuffer.concat();
var i:uint, index:uint;
// Translate vertices to vector3d array.
var loop:uint = _rawPositionsBuffer.length/3;
var vertices:Vector.<Vector3D> = new Vector.<Vector3D>();
var vertex:Vector3D;
for(i = 0; i < loop; ++i)
index = 3*i;
vertex = new Vector3D(_rawPositionsBuffer[index],
_rawPositionsBuffer[index + 1],
_rawPositionsBuffer[index + 2]);
// Calculate normals.
loop = vertices.length;
var p0:Vector3D, p1:Vector3D, p2:Vector3D, normal:Vector3D;
_rawNormalsBuffer = new Vector.<Number>();
for(i = 0; i < loop; i += 3)
p0 = vertices[i];
p1 = vertices[i + 1];
p2 = vertices[i + 2];
normal = get3PointNormal(p0, p1, p2);
_rawNormalsBuffer.push(normal.x, normal.y, normal.z);
_rawNormalsBuffer.push(normal.x, normal.y, normal.z);
_rawNormalsBuffer.push(normal.x, normal.y, normal.z);
至此.OBJ 解析部分完成了。
上传 Mipmaps 代码
public function uploadTextureWithMipmaps(dest:Texture, src:BitmapData):void
var ws:int = src.width;
var hs:int = src.height;
var level:int = 0;
var tmp:BitmapData;
var transform:Matrix = new Matrix();
var tmp2:BitmapData;
tmp = new BitmapData( src.width, src.height, true, 0x00000000);
while ( ws >= 1 && hs >= 1 )
tmp.draw(src, transform, null, null, null, true);
dest.uploadFromBitmapData(tmp, level);
transform.scale(0.5, 0.5);
ws >>= 1;
hs >>= 1;
if (hs && ws)
tmp = new BitmapData(ws, hs, true, 0x00000000);
import com.adobe.utils.*;
import flash.display.*;
import flash.display3D.*;
import flash.display3D.textures.*;
import flash.events.*;
import flash.geom.*;
import flash.utils.*;
import flash.text.*;
[SWF(width="640", height="480", frameRate="60", backgroundColor="#FFFFFF")]
public class Stage3dGame extends Sprite
// used by the GUI
private var fpsLast:uint = getTimer();
private var fpsTicks:uint = 0;
private var fpsTf:TextField;
private var scoreTf:TextField;
private var score:uint = 0;
// constants used during inits
private const swfWidth:int = 640;
private const swfHeight:int = 480;
// for this demo, ensure ALL textures are 512x512
private const textureSize:int = 512;
// the 3d graphics window on the stage
private var context3D:Context3D;
// the compiled shaders used to render our mesh
private var shaderProgram1:Program3D;
private var shaderProgram2:Program3D;
private var shaderProgram3:Program3D;
private var shaderProgram4:Program3D;
// matrices that affect the mesh location and camera angles
private var projectionmatrix:PerspectiveMatrix3D = new PerspectiveMatrix3D();
private var modelmatrix:Matrix3D = new Matrix3D();
private var viewmatrix:Matrix3D = new Matrix3D();
private var terrainviewmatrix:Matrix3D = new Matrix3D();
private var modelViewProjection:Matrix3D = new Matrix3D();
// a simple frame counter used for animation
private var t:Number = 0;
// a reusable loop counter
private var looptemp:int = 0;
/* TEXTURES: Pure AS3 and Flex version:
* if you are using Adobe Flash CS5
* comment out the following: */
[Embed (source = "art/spaceship_texture.jpg")]
private var myTextureBitmap:Class;
private var myTextureData:Bitmap = new myTextureBitmap();
[Embed (source = "art/terrain_texture.jpg")]
private var terrainTextureBitmap:Class;
private var terrainTextureData:Bitmap = new terrainTextureBitmap();
/* TEXTURE: Flash CS5 version:
* add the jpgs to your library (F11)
* right click and edit the advanced properties
* so it is exported for use in Actionscript
* and call them myTextureBitmap and terrainTextureBitmap
* if you are using Flex/FlashBuilder/FlashDevelop/FDT
* comment out the following: */
//private var myBitmapDataObject:myTextureBitmapData =
// new myTextureBitmapData(textureSize, textureSize);
//private var myTextureData:Bitmap =
// new Bitmap(myBitmapDataObject);
//private var terrainBitmapDataObject:terrainTextureBitmapData =
// new terrainTextureBitmapData(textureSize, textureSize);
//private var terrainTextureData:Bitmap =
// new Bitmap(terrainBitmapDataObject);
// The Stage3d Texture that uses the above myTextureData
private var myTexture:Texture;
private var terrainTexture:Texture;
// The spaceship mesh data
[Embed (source = "art/spaceship.obj", mimeType = "application/octet-stream")]
private var myObjData:Class;
private var myMesh:Stage3dObjParser;
// The terrain mesh data
[Embed (source = "art/terrain.obj", mimeType = "application/octet-stream")]
private var terrainObjData:Class;
private var terrainMesh:Stage3dObjParser;
public function Stage3dGame()
if (stage != null)
addEventListener(Event.ADDED_TO_STAGE, init);
private function init(e:Event = null):void
if (hasEventListener(Event.ADDED_TO_STAGE))
removeEventListener(Event.ADDED_TO_STAGE, init);
stage.scaleMode = StageScaleMode.NO_SCALE;
stage.align = StageAlign.TOP_LEFT;
// add some text labels
// and request a context3D from Stage3d
stage.stage3Ds[0].addEventListener(Event.CONTEXT3D_CREATE, onContext3DCreate);
private function updateScore():void
// for now, you earn points over time
// padded with zeroes
if (score < 10) scoreTf.text = 'Score: 00000' + score;
else if (score < 100) scoreTf.text = 'Score: 0000' + score;
else if (score < 1000) scoreTf.text = 'Score: 000' + score;
else if (score < 10000) scoreTf.text = 'Score: 00' + score;
else if (score < 100000) scoreTf.text = 'Score: 0' + score;
else scoreTf.text = 'Score: ' + score;
private function initGUI():void
// a text format descriptor used by all gui labels
var myFormat:TextFormat = new TextFormat();
myFormat.color = 0xFFFFFF;
myFormat.size = 13;
// create an FPSCounter that displays the framerate on screen
fpsTf = new TextField();
fpsTf.x = 0;
fpsTf.y = 0;
fpsTf.selectable = false;
fpsTf.autoSize = TextFieldAutoSize.LEFT;
fpsTf.defaultTextFormat = myFormat;
fpsTf.text = "Initializing Stage3d...";
// create a score display
scoreTf = new TextField();
scoreTf.x = 560;
scoreTf.y = 0;
scoreTf.selectable = false;
scoreTf.autoSize = TextFieldAutoSize.LEFT;
scoreTf.defaultTextFormat = myFormat;
scoreTf.text = "000000";
// add some labels to describe each shader
var label1:TextField = new TextField();
label1.x = 100;
label1.y = 180;
label1.selectable = false;
label1.autoSize = TextFieldAutoSize.LEFT;
label1.defaultTextFormat = myFormat;
label1.text = "Shader 1: Textured";
var label2:TextField = new TextField();
label2.x = 400;
label2.y = 180;
label2.selectable = false;
label2.autoSize = TextFieldAutoSize.LEFT;
label2.defaultTextFormat = myFormat;
label2.text = "Shader 2: Vertex RGB";
var label3:TextField = new TextField();
label3.x = 80;
label3.y = 440;
label3.selectable = false;
label3.autoSize = TextFieldAutoSize.LEFT;
label3.defaultTextFormat = myFormat;
label3.text = "Shader 3: Vertex RGB + Textured";
var label4:TextField = new TextField();
label4.x = 340;
label4.y = 440;
label4.selectable = false;
label4.autoSize = TextFieldAutoSize.LEFT;
label4.defaultTextFormat = myFormat;
label4.text = "Shader 4: Textured + setProgramConstants";
public function uploadTextureWithMipmaps(dest:Texture, src:BitmapData):void
var ws:int = src.width;
var hs:int = src.height;
var level:int = 0;
var tmp:BitmapData;
var transform:Matrix = new Matrix();
var tmp2:BitmapData;
tmp = new BitmapData( src.width, src.height, true, 0x00000000);
while ( ws >= 1 && hs >= 1 )
tmp.draw(src, transform, null, null, null, true);
dest.uploadFromBitmapData(tmp, level);
transform.scale(0.5, 0.5);
ws >>= 1;
hs >>= 1;
if (hs && ws)
tmp = new BitmapData(ws, hs, true, 0x00000000);
private function onContext3DCreate(event:Event):void
// Remove existing frame handler. Note that a context
// loss can occur at any time which will force you
// to recreate all objects we create here.
// A context loss occurs for instance if you hit
// CTRL-ALT-DELETE on Windows.
// It takes a while before a new context is available
// hence removing the enterFrame handler is important!
if (hasEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME))
// Obtain the current context
var t:Stage3D = event.target as Stage3D;
context3D = t.context3D;
if (context3D == null)
// Currently no 3d context is available (error!)
// Disabling error checking will drastically improve performance.
// If set to true, Flash sends helpful error messages regarding
// AGAL compilation errors, uninitialized program constants, etc.
context3D.enableErrorChecking = true;
// Initialize our mesh data
// The 3d back buffer size is in pixels (2=antialiased)
context3D.configureBackBuffer(swfWidth, swfHeight, 2, true);
// assemble all the shaders we need
myTexture = context3D.createTexture(textureSize, textureSize, Context3DTextureFormat.BGRA, false);
uploadTextureWithMipmaps(myTexture, myTextureData.bitmapData);
terrainTexture = context3D.createTexture(textureSize, textureSize, Context3DTextureFormat.BGRA, false);
uploadTextureWithMipmaps(terrainTexture, terrainTextureData.bitmapData);
// create projection matrix for our 3D scene
// 45 degrees FOV, 640/480 aspect ratio, 0.1=near, 100=far
projectionmatrix.perspectiveFieldOfViewRH(45.0, swfWidth / swfHeight, 0.01, 5000.0);
// create a matrix that defines the camera location
// move the camera back a little so we can see the mesh
// tilt the terrain a little so it is coming towards us
// start the render loop!
// create four different shaders
private function initShaders():void
// A simple vertex shader which does a 3D transformation
// for simplicity, it is used by all four shaders
var vertexShaderAssembler:AGALMiniAssembler = new AGALMiniAssembler();
// 4x4 matrix multiply to get camera angle
"m44 op, va0, vc0\n" +
// tell fragment shader about XYZ
"mov v0, va0\n" +
// tell fragment shader about UV
"mov v1, va1\n" +
// tell fragment shader about RGBA
"mov v2, va2\n"
// textured using UV coordinates
var fragmentShaderAssembler1:AGALMiniAssembler = new AGALMiniAssembler();
// grab the texture color from texture 0
// and uv coordinates from varying register 1
// and store the interpolated value in ft0
"tex ft0, v1, fs0 <2d,linear,repeat,miplinear>\n"+
// move this value to the output color
"mov oc, ft0\n"
// no texture, RGBA from the vertex buffer data
var fragmentShaderAssembler2:AGALMiniAssembler = new AGALMiniAssembler();
// grab the color from the v2 register
// which was set in the vertex program
"sub ft0, v2, fc1\n" + ///这句应该删掉?
"mov oc, v2\n"
// textured using UV coordinates AND colored by vertex RGB
var fragmentShaderAssembler3:AGALMiniAssembler = new AGALMiniAssembler();
// grab the texture color from texture 0
// and uv coordinates from varying register 1
"tex ft0, v1, fs0 <2d,linear,repeat,miplinear>\n" +
// multiply by the value stored in v2 (the vertex rgb)
"mul ft1, v2, ft0\n" +
// move this value to the output color
"mov oc, ft1\n"
// textured using UV coordinates and
// tinted using a fragment constant
var fragmentShaderAssembler4:AGALMiniAssembler = new AGALMiniAssembler();
// grab the texture color from texture 0
// and uv coordinates from varying register 1
"tex ft0, v1, fs0 <2d,linear,repeat,miplinear>\n" +
// multiply by the value stored in fc0
"mul ft1, fc0, ft0\n" +
// move this value to the output color
"mov oc, ft1\n"
// combine shaders into a program which we then upload to the GPU
shaderProgram1 = context3D.createProgram();
shaderProgram1.upload(vertexShaderAssembler.agalcode, fragmentShaderAssembler1.agalcode);
shaderProgram2 = context3D.createProgram();
shaderProgram2.upload(vertexShaderAssembler.agalcode, fragmentShaderAssembler2.agalcode);
shaderProgram3 = context3D.createProgram();
shaderProgram3.upload(vertexShaderAssembler.agalcode, fragmentShaderAssembler3.agalcode);
shaderProgram4 = context3D.createProgram();
shaderProgram4.upload(vertexShaderAssembler.agalcode, fragmentShaderAssembler4.agalcode);
private function initData():void
// parse the OBJ file and create buffers
myMesh = new Stage3dObjParser(myObjData, context3D, 1, true, true);
// parse the terrain mesh as well
terrainMesh = new Stage3dObjParser(terrainObjData, context3D, 1, true, true);
private function renderTerrain():void
context3D.setTextureAt(0, terrainTexture);
// simple textured shader
context3D.setProgram ( shaderProgram1 );
// position
context3D.setVertexBufferAt(0, terrainMesh.positionsBuffer,
0, Context3DVertexBufferFormat.FLOAT_3);
// tex coord
context3D.setVertexBufferAt(1, terrainMesh.uvBuffer,
0, Context3DVertexBufferFormat.FLOAT_2);
// vertex rgba
context3D.setVertexBufferAt(2, terrainMesh.colorsBuffer,
0, Context3DVertexBufferFormat.FLOAT_4);
// set up camera angle
// make the terrain face the right way
modelmatrix.appendRotation( -90, Vector3D.Y_AXIS);
// slowly move the terrain around
Math.cos(t/300)*1000,Math.cos(t/200)*1000 + 500,-130);
// clear the matrix and append new angles
// pass our matrix data to the shader program
0, modelViewProjection, true );
0, terrainMesh.indexBufferCount);
private function enterFrame(e:Event):void
// clear scene before rendering is mandatory
// move or rotate more each frame
t += 2.0;
// scroll and render the terrain once
// how far apart each of the 4 spaceships is
var dist:Number = 0.8;
// loop through each mesh we want to draw
for (looptemp = 0; looptemp < 4; looptemp++)
// clear the transformation matrix to 0,0,0
// each mesh has a different texture,
// shader, position and spin speed
case 0:
context3D.setTextureAt(0, myTexture);
context3D.setProgram ( shaderProgram1 );
modelmatrix.appendRotation(t*0.7, Vector3D.Y_AXIS);
modelmatrix.appendRotation(t*0.6, Vector3D.X_AXIS);
modelmatrix.appendRotation(t*1.0, Vector3D.Y_AXIS);
modelmatrix.appendTranslation(-dist, dist, 0);
case 1:
context3D.setTextureAt(0, null);
context3D.setProgram ( shaderProgram2 );
modelmatrix.appendRotation(t*-0.2, Vector3D.Y_AXIS);
modelmatrix.appendRotation(t*0.4, Vector3D.X_AXIS);
modelmatrix.appendRotation(t*0.7, Vector3D.Y_AXIS);
modelmatrix.appendTranslation(dist, dist, 0);
case 2:
context3D.setTextureAt(0, myTexture);
context3D.setProgram ( shaderProgram3 );
modelmatrix.appendRotation(t*1.0, Vector3D.Y_AXIS);
modelmatrix.appendRotation(t*-0.2, Vector3D.X_AXIS);
modelmatrix.appendRotation(t*0.3, Vector3D.Y_AXIS);
modelmatrix.appendTranslation(-dist, -dist, 0);
case 3:
Context3DProgramType.FRAGMENT, 0, Vector.<Number>
([ 1, Math.abs(Math.cos(t/50)), 0, 1 ]) );
context3D.setTextureAt(0, myTexture);
context3D.setProgram ( shaderProgram4 );
modelmatrix.appendRotation(t*0.3, Vector3D.Y_AXIS);
modelmatrix.appendRotation(t*0.3, Vector3D.X_AXIS);
modelmatrix.appendRotation(t*-0.3, Vector3D.Y_AXIS);
modelmatrix.appendTranslation(dist, -dist, 0);
// clear the matrix and append new angles
// pass our matrix data to the shader program
0, modelViewProjection, true );
// draw a spaceship mesh
// position
context3D.setVertexBufferAt(0, myMesh.positionsBuffer,
0, Context3DVertexBufferFormat.FLOAT_3);
// tex coord
context3D.setVertexBufferAt(1, myMesh.uvBuffer,
0, Context3DVertexBufferFormat.FLOAT_2);
// vertex rgba
context3D.setVertexBufferAt(2, myMesh.colorsBuffer,
0, Context3DVertexBufferFormat.FLOAT_4);
// render it
0, myMesh.indexBufferCount);
// present/flip back buffer
// now that all meshes have been drawn
// update the FPS display
var now:uint = getTimer();
var delta:uint = now - fpsLast;
// only update the display once a second
if (delta >= 1000)
var fps:Number = fpsTicks / delta * 1000;
fpsTf.text = fps.toFixed(1) + " fps";
fpsTicks = 0;
fpsLast = now;
// update the rest of the GUI
} // end of class
} // end of package
第 6 章,Textures: Making Things Look Pretty
贴图必须满足 2 次方
textures must have a length and width that fall into these values: 2,4,8,16,32,64,128,256,512,1024 and so on.
UV 坐标
The coordinate U is the left-right axis in a texture, while V represents the up-down axis. Therefore, the bottom of a texture has V of 1 and the far right would have U of 1.
透明 Textures
You can also use a .PNG file, complete with variable transparency.
Animating UVs
例如水的特效,可以让 uv 不断增加一点点,然后 uv_offsets 传到 shader 里
// increment the x axis of a vector3D
uv_offsets.x += 0.01;
// send this vector to the AGAL variable vc4
context3D.setProgramConstantsFromVector(Context3DProgramType.VERTEX,4, uv_offsets, true );
在 shader 里把 uv 做加法
add v1, va1, vc4
Texture Atlases
A great technique to increase your game's framerate and allow more meshes to be rendered using the same shader is to pack multiple textures into a large bitmap called a texture atlas.
是提升效率的很重要手段,因为可以把很多不同贴图的模型,放在一次 draw call 里。
Using texture atlases is definitely the best practice for rendering fonts in your 3D world .
Animated Textures
第一种方法:in your render loop you could switch the texture you send to context3D.setTextureAt() every few frames.
第 2 种方法:simple send a new offset in a setProgramConstantsFromVector() call to shift the texture coordinates over to the next frame
Manipulating Texture Data
可以每帧调用 uploadFromBitmapData(),但这样效率是很低的,要避免这么做。 如果决定非要这么做了的话,还可以给 bitmapdata 加滤镜 Anything AS3 code you have around that can generate bitmapdata can be used to as the source pixels for your textures。
Render States:Blend modes, backface culling, depth testing
Backface Culling
默认情况下,效率关系只显示 mesh 可以看见的那一面。如果想两面都显示要这样不做背面裁剪
Context3DTriangleFace.NONE (不裁剪),
Context3DTriangleFace.BACK (默认情况,背面被裁剪),
Context3DTriangleFace.FRONT (与正常情况相反,正面被裁减)
Context3DTriangleFace.BOTH (没什么用,全裁剪,不渲染任何东西).
Depth Testing
stage3d 在每个在屏幕上的像素都保存一个深度值叫做 zbuffer,默认 molehill 只渲染离 camera 近的像素,但当你不想为某个 mesh 保存深度信息(比如爆炸特效或者透明区域例如窗户)就要设置 setDepthTest()
For example, if you are going to render a transparent mesh like a window that you don't want to draw on the zbuffer (so that other objects are always visible behind it) but you DO want it to be obscured by furniture in the room that is in front of it, simply use:
context3D.setDepthTest(false, Context3DCompareMode.LESS);
第 1 个 boolean 值为 true 表示下一个要渲染的 mesh 写入 depth buffer,反之不写入。 第 2 个参数可以是
The pixel in question will only be rendered when a comparison between it and the destination pixel are TRUE based on the preceding criteria. The default in Stage3D is to only render pixels that have a depth value that is LESS than what is already on the screen, closer to the camera. The preceding example is handy if you are going to render a transparent mesh like a window that you don't want to draw on the zbuffer (so that other objects are always visible behind it), but you DO want it to be obscured by furniture in the room that is in front of it. Like with other render states, this will be in effect until you set it to something else. You only need to call it once and that criteria will be used until you instruct Flash otherwise.
Blend Modes
混合模式影响如何渲染 texture
在画 mesh 之前调用 Context3D.setBlendFactors(),传递两个乘数给 flash,告诉 molehill 用什么颜色渲染 texture。
渲染公式: framebuffercolor = (fragmentcolor _ srcBlend) + (framebuffercolor _ destBlend).
这是 stage3d 默认参数,完全不透明
// this is the Molehill default: nice for opaque textures
// all of the color on screen comes from the fragment color
// this is the proper setting to use .png textures
// that have transparent regions
// perfect for foliage/fences/fonts
// this setting makes it lighten the scene only
// good for particles stored as .jpg
// (only white sections add to the screen - black is not drawn)
Blend modes, backface culling, and depth testing are all render states, meaning that you only have to set them once and that behavior continues to be in effect until you set it to something else.
不透明的 jpg 贴图效率更高,避免 overdraw,看不到的不 draw,多用 zbuffer,从近到远的顺序 draw,避免 statechange(backface culling ,depth testing,blendmodes),尽量短的 shader,越少 mesh 越好,组合 mesh 让 drawTriangles()调用次数越少越好,只渲染实际可见的 mesh(这就要用到 PVS 算法,quad-trees, BSP trees, and portals 了)
最后做了 demo,具体看 Stage3dGame.as 代码了
In this chapter, we focused primarily upon three functions that affect how your meshes are rendered: setBlendFactors, setCulling, and setDepthTest. Creative use of these special render states open your game world up to all sorts of special effects. In implementing this new functionality, we achieved a few milestones. Our game engine is now using multiple textures and several meshes; we have code for rendering textures using new blend modes which allow us to render special effects such as explosions and smoke. We can change whether backfaces are culled on meshes, so that we can draw the insides of transparent objects, we can ignore or use the zbuffer as desired, and we are now detecting key presses for user control of the action.
第 7 章,Timers, Inputs, and Entities: Gameplay Goodness!
前边介绍了两个 3d 不相关的类
GameTimer GameInput
后面抽象出了一个 Stage3dEntity 基类. 介绍了一个技巧就是设置 dirty flag,然后下一帧渲染的时候一起更新 transform 矩阵。
- We now have a class that measures time for use in animations
- We also have a new class that detects the player keyboard and mouse input
- We created a game entity class for use by all in-game objects
- We programmed a simple chase camera with mouse-look
- We upgraded our game to include a heads-up-display overlay and many new in-game models and effects
第 8 章,Eye-Candy Aplenty
粒子是两个 mesh 型变做法不是很通用的粒子做法,可用性不高,略了,不过这种做法用 AGAL 做顶点动画的部分还是值得看一下的。
第 9 章,A World Filled with Action
深入到游戏细节了,已经没有 stage3d 的内容了,碰撞检测和可视过滤都是算圆形距离的,不够深入。还有些 ui 什么的参杂在里边,代码细节太多实在没心情仔细看了。
第 10 章,Chapter 10: 3... 2... 1... ACTION!
貌似是重构一些代码? 都是游戏逻辑,没有 stage3d 内容了,我就没看了。
书还不错,我确实入门了,遗憾是数学部分没有专门讲解, 如果有本续集,深度一些就好了。